Guaranteeing quality and safety

Your company is held to strict standards, which is why inspection services and testing processes are becoming increasingly important. Service providers in the inspection and testing sector can now take full advantage of the latest IT options.

Discover the benefits that digital inspections & inspections offer and work faster than ever before!

Online demo

New technologies, legislation and regulations are rapidly transforming inspections and inspections. With Diamond's smart digital forms you are not only a pioneer, but you also enjoy more efficient processes.

Digital inspections and testing

  • Determine form, document and email formatting with your own templates.
  • Make accurate calculations instantly, connect your Excel files and/or internal and external calculation tools.
  • Create inspection forms in multiple languages ​​to suit every need.
  • Set security and privacy rules to work completely GDPR-proof.

That's not all, with Diamond you can optimize and streamline the entire inspection and testing process yourself, without any programming knowledge.

And has the inspection been completed? Have your forms signed immediately, fully legally valid, digitally, by 1 or more parties.

Full features list

Safety inspections


Optimize digital inspections

Diamond is not just a forms tool, with workflow and automation it increases the efficiency of your inspections, from start to finish!

  • Send automatic emails to contacts with personal links to forms.
  • Use the data link to pre-fill forms with already known data.
  • Create your own question sets to easily set up different inspections.
  • Generate documents such as inspection reports and certificates automatically from form data.
  • Automatically save data in your back office.

Connect your systems and data

Repeatedly entering already known data is seen as one of the most annoying obstacles when completing inspection forms. With Diamond, already known data is pre-populated and you can automatically process the additional information entered in your systems. It is possible to make links with:

  • Web services
  • All types of APIs
  • Excel files
  • Low Code tools (such as Silicon, Powerapps and Outsystems)

Digitize inspections

Inspectieformulier Scope 12
The story of

Holland Herstel Groep

Holland Herstel Groep (HHG) uses Diamond Forms, Flows & Docs via a mobile app on location. By means of identifying barcodes, data is registered with the correct object. The barcodes can be scanned directly into the form with the camera of a phone or tablet. Without lengthy searching or typing long ID codes.

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Formulieren op locatie buitendienst
The story of

GGD Haaglanden

GGD Haaglanden uses Diamond Forms, Flows & Docs to create flexible forms. These forms are used both for personally inviting medical professionals to relevant meetings and for the registration of attendees. Using Diamond Forms, they publish these forms on their website without IT support. That works!

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Medische formulieren
The story of


NIVRE has started only taking tests via Diamond wih online forms. Enthusiastic about the extensive possibilities and ease of creating forms yourself, the various application forms for a NIVRE registration, PE points and complaints were added at a rapid pace.

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Insurance forms software
The story of


Compliance with internal security requirements is of crucial importance to Allianz. The secure storage and exchange of data was the deciding factor to choose Diamond Forms, Flows & Docs for their online forms.

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Form software Allianz
The story of


Nyenrode Business University uses the dynamic forms of Diamond Forms, Flows & Docs on its website to ensure smooth enrollment processes. Through integration with your own systems and databases, manual adjustments are no longer necessary. This leaves more time for what really matters.

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Digitale processen forms
The story of

Markel Insurance

Markel Insurance uses the forms with automatic actions from Diamond Forms, Flows & Docs to make processes more efficient. Requesting, preparing and adjusting quotations is smooth and without labour-intensive manual handling. That saves Markel time and money.

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Insurance forms software
The story of

Polaris Assuradeuren

Polaris Assuradeuren uses digital forms by Diamond Forms, Flows & Docs to organize the settlement process with its clients as optimally as possible. The extensive options for personal invitations, pre-filled forms and automatic reminders made Polaris choose for Diamond.

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Naverrekening Proces Overleg

GDPR compliance

Formulieren Software Rollen En Rechten

Work to the highest standards

When completing forms for inspections and inspections, it is inevitable that privacy-sensitive information will be transferred. Therefore, strict security measures are required by law. With Diamond you can easily meet security and GDPR requirements with:

  • User management with user-definable rights and roles
  • 100% data erasure
  • Data encryption
  • Periodic pen tests
  • Hosting on premise or in the cloud in the Netherlands at a professional data center

Generate reports

Diamond allows you to create custom templates for Word, PDF and Excel files. Form data and data from your systems are used to supplement these documents.

This allows you to generate and present fully formatted and completed delivery reports for any construction and installation project to your customer in seconds.

With the automatic actions you forward this inspection report to your own back office and to your customer's mailbox.

Automate delivery reports

Inmeetrapport PDF

Internationally applicable

Formulieren in alle talen

Forms in multiple languages

Inspection processes do not remain within boundaries, so a language barrier can be an obstacle. Not with Diamond. You can easily create inspection forms in any language in the world.

Analyzing and managing the responses remains simple because all responses can be exported in one file. You can of course manage the different languages ​​per form yourself so that you have the ultimate focus on your contacts.

Start using Diamond Forms, Flows & Docs today

Call +31 85 042 00 71 or send a WhatsApp

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